Everything about this scene suggested neatness: the grass on the bank which had been mowed before the first snow, the neatly disced field, the tidy jumble of farm buildings in the distance. And in the middle of it all, a single can, empty but still wrapped in a paper bag. Also touched up in Photoshop to add the blur.
- Author
- Kenneth John Odle
- Created on
- Saturday 13 March 2010
- Posted on
- Friday 6 May 2011
- Dimensions
- 2000*1434
- File
- S7301403_edit.jpg
- Filesize
- 742 KB
- Keywords
- b&w, black and white, Category: Landscape, clouds, field, sky
- Albums
- Visits
- 60269
- Rating score
- 4.74 (1 rate)
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